Happy 1-Year Blog Anniversary to all my friends, readers and supporters!

Hard to believe that my little project that started last year on June 25 is not a baby anymore! It is actually a full size toddler, with its own routine, circle of friends and a point of view.

In the last 365 days:

1. 357 posts were created! yes, I did miss a few days

2. Most popular series were: in first place, no doubt "Successful People from Our Neighborhood", I had and honor to meet and interview 31! truly amazing people. Their impact on my life is impossible to underestimate!

In second place, yes, don't laugh, "Foody Thursdays" – my recipe section. You, guys, sure love to eat! and now I am starting to think I actually can cook! 52 recipes were posted over this year, mainly traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

Most popular on Pinterest – "Houses in Art"! – 47!!!! amazing artists were introduced and even though, I love them all dearly, most popular was Laurent Parcelier!

Most views, funny enough – Real Estate Terms and Home Owner Tips! So glad I was able to help here!

3. I got awarded Top #1 Contributor for the province of Ontario on Active Rain for 2013-2014! And trust me, it was a tough competition!

4. Now looking back at the past year, I can say, thanks to the blog, I got some awesome deals done as a Real Estate agent, but truly, I got so much more out of it! I met amazing people, made lifetime friends, became a member of some wonderful clubs and associations, took part in brilliant events, got invited to parties and celebrations and learned, learned, learned – every day, every minute of this crazy, unbelievable and happy year.

Somebody famous once said that he could never be bothered with a blog, as in his posts he is trying to look better then he actually is. How stupid! What is so bad about trying to look better then you are? Just do your best to look as good as you possibly can and your inner part will surely follow!

Now, plans for the next year!

1. Restructuring my web-site! There is a lot of useful stuff there, but it is a little challenging to navigate.

2. Successful People from Our Neighborhood will go on! And hopefully I will grow into some video interviews! Wow, that would be fun!

3. Foody Thursday will go on!

4. Some new series will be introduced and hopefully will win your hearts

This is all for now but I am sure this is just a smaller part of what is to come next year! Stay tuned!


Compliments of Marina Gavrylyuk
Real Estate Agent with Sutton Group Summit Realty – selling with a smile!


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! Stay young, stay fun, stay the way you are! You are our blessing and constant support. Just your pure ability to tolerate the 2 crazy ladies of the household – your wife and your daughter, you  know – makes you totally outstanding. Your cake is waiting for you!



Foody Thursday – Chocolate Truffle Cake

Just imagine one ginormous, cake-size chocolate candy! This is precisely what this cake is – chocolate layers, chocolate filling, home-made chocolate truffles for decorations. The biggest challenge is to find good quality chocolate. I used to use President's Choice chocolate chips before, but does not seem like they contain any cocoa powder or cocoa butter anymore. Last time I tried it – it tasted like caramel and looked like caramel while being melted. Had to toss the entire thing away and go find real chocolate….

Chocolate Truffle

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